-cormeal jam muffins that kinda resemble a rooster-
I've been promising josh, for about a year, that i would make some breakfast corn muffins. cornbread is much adored around this apartment so i'm not really sure why these haven't come into existence until yesterday morning. so thank god i woke myself up, against my will, at 6 am yesterday morning. i had an extra hour to kill before heading to work, where i would spend my day wondering why i was so tired, and remembering the fancy jellies i scored from the fancy breakfast platter someone (not me) had donated to the community office kitchen after their fancy meeting. don't worry i don't get invited to the fancy meetings, i just do the work for them and then scavenger the left overs after the fact. ahhh the joys.
so anyways i remembered all that and got to work with hep from my trusty culinary friend - ina garten. i only made a small change, substituting half of the sugar with brown sugar. i think it makes a difference - but try it yourself. the jam i used was actually a mix of raspberry, grape and apricot - hence the "sample" sizes i swiped. non-the less these are delish and as far as i'm concerned you can use whatever jam you have on hand, they all kinda taste the same after a while anyways - right?
via Ina Garten
1 1/2c AP flour
1/4c granulated sugar
1/4c light brown sugar (lightly packed)
1/2c yellow cornmeal
1 tbs baking powder
3/4 tsp salt
3/4c whole milk
4 oz butter, melted and cooled
1 large egg
6 tbs jam (of your choosing)
*preheat oven to 350F, line muffin tin
*sift together flours, baking powder, salt, and sugar
*in a separate bowl combine the milk, butter and egg
*quickly stir in the milk mixture into the flour mixture - do not over mix
*pour into lined muffins tins (about 10-11)
*cook for 20 minutes, or until toothpick is clean
*once the muffins have cooled, fill a pastry bag with fitted with a round tip and squeeze in the jam into middle of the muffins.
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