December 5, 2009

Cashew Brownies_GF

i haven't made brownies in somewhere over a year (i think). it seems that i have a tendency to get hung up on other such fantastical journeys like - mini lemon meringue pies & real glazed donuts. as delicious as these were sometimes you just have to get back to the basics, you know?
yeah well i kinda did that. i mean they are brownies, just not basic. sticking to my pseudo gluten-freeness trial i found a recipe from elana's blog for brownies made with almond butter. but considering i eat an almond butter and (delicious Louisiana homemade) jelly for lunch Monday thru Friday i opted to hoard my supply of the jarred gold and use up josh's share of cashew butter which i can't eat with out getting ill (i have no explanation for this). so in it went and i crossed my fingers that the same digestive effect would not happen once combined with chocolate and agave - i mean what can't be fixed with those two? seriously.
i am happy to say that i love these. josh had two with his eggs for breakfast - don't judge - and it didn't bother me. they remind me of a brownie "flavored" cliff bar but way, way better. if you want a more fudge like texture you can try leaving out the baking soda and amping up the cashew butter to 9oz. next time i make them, and that will happen, that is what i will try. these treats are high in protein, low in sugar, dairy free and gluten free. enjoy that!


8oz unsalted creamy cashew butter
1 egg
1/2c + 2 tbs agave nectar
1 tbs vanilla extract
1/4c cocoa powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt (scant)
1/2c dark chocolate chips

*preheat oven to 325F grease a 8x8 pan
*cream cashew butter to smooth w/ an electric mixer
*beat in egg then agave and vanilla
*in a separate bowl sift together the coco powder, soda and salt
*combine the cocoa mix into the cashew mixture
*fold in the chocolate chips
*pour into to prepared pan, cook 30-35 minutes

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