if you just so happen to have read more than one entry into this blog you would probably know that one of my life long quests is to find a way to get josh to eat something somewhat healthy. snacks, as with most of us, are his demise. after i head off to bed he stays up for hours munching down on anything that can be considered bite sized, is loaded with salt and/or sugar and is easily on hand. terrible! i wake up in the morning ( pre-sunrise) and recount his night via the empty candy wrappers and cracker crumbs. *insert sign here*
hmmm, what can be done here? well fruit chips are always a hit around this apt - so i see no reason why i shouldn't be making tasty little treats here in my own kitchen. these apple chips are so tasty! i've honestly never had an apple chip that had so much flavor. the key here is to "marinate" the apple slices in the simple syrup and then making sure to drain and pat pseudo-dry before putting them in the oven.
1 Fuji apple
1 1/2 - 2 tsp lemon juice
1c sugar
1c water
*bring the sugar and water to a boil in a large skillet, bring back down to a simmer for about 1minute, turn off heat and let cool slightly
*slice the apples with a mandolin set to "2.0" or about 1/16"
*sprinkle lemon juice over the apples
*place apple slices in the simple syrup and let marinate for at least 2 hours
*preheat oven to 200F, line baking sheet(s) w/ parchment
*remove the slices one at a time from the syrup and lightly pat dry
*place the slices in a single layer on the prepared pan and place in oven
*let bake for 2 hours, flipping each slice halfway through
*turn the heat off and let dry in oven for about 2-3 hours until crisp
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